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About Venus

Venus is named after a Roman Goddess of love and beauty.

Venus is the 2nd planet away from the Sun and also the 2nd brightest object in the night sky, which can only be visible at night . Venus has a rotational period of 243 days, so on Venus one day would be 243 earth days long.

Its surface is covered by an opaque layer of highly reflective clouds of sulfuric acid, which reflects 75% of light that reaches them. The planet's clouds produce sulfuric acid, which evaporates due to the scorching temperatures before reaching the ground. The evaporated sulfuric acid then rises up into the clouds and this cycle repeats. 
   Furthermore, more than 96% carbon dioxide makes up its atmosphere, this causes it to be the most hottest planet in our solar system- even hotter than Mercury, which is the closest to the scorching sun.

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